Peer Review

  • Acta Illyrica editorial staff must forward all submitted papers to two anonymous reviewers who are experts in the respective fields (prehistoric archaeology, ancient archaeology, ancient history, Roman law, classical philology, and related fields).
  • According to the rules of the journal, all Acta Illyrica reviewers hold PhD degree in the field of prehistoric or ancient archaeology, ancient history, classical philology, Roman law, and related fields of the humanities and social sciences.
  • The reviewers can group the papers in one of the offered categories: original scientific paper, scientific review, professional paper, conference paper, scientific note, review, conference report.
  • Following the review process, the reviewer proposes: To publish the text in its original form, 2. To publish the text after making the proposed changes, 3. Not to publish the text because it does not meet the minimum requirements. If the reviewer chooses the second option, they can request an inspection of the paper from the editorial staff after the author implements the changes.
  • If the two reviews don’t differ significantly (e.g., one reviewer categorized the paper as an original scientific paper, while the other reviewer categorized it as a scientific review), the editorial staff will take the better review into account in favor of the author.
  • If the two reviews differ significantly (e.g., one reviewer categorized the paper as an original scientific paper, while the other reviewer categorized it as a professional paper), the editorial staff will send the paper to a third anonymous reviewer expert in the respective field.
  • If the two reviews differ significantly (e.g., one reviewer assesses that the paper meets the criteria for publishing in the journal, while the other reviewer assesses that it does not meet publication criteria), the editorial staff will send the paper to a third anonymous reviewer expert in the respective field.
  • If both reviewers assess that the paper does not meet the publication criteria, the editorial staff will notify the author that the paper will not be published.
  • Reviewers are asked to write a review within 15-30 days using a template provided by the journal’s editor-in-chief or secretary.
  • All reviewers will receive a free copy of the third issue of Acta Illyrica.